Rejected twice at Delhi Consulate, got approved in Mumbai.

Visa Interview Experience - All three Attempts

Attempt 1: Reject

Attempt 2: Reject

Attempt 3: Approved

1st Interview Experience

Date: 6th June (8:45 am)

Consulate: New Delhi
(VO was a lady in 30s. Wore black specs)

Status: Reject

VO: Good Morning
Me: Good Morning

VO: Which course are you going for?
Me: I’m going for Masters in Computer Science

VO: Why ASU?
Me: ASU has a very good reputation for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence courses. They encourage their students to have inter-disciplinary knowledge.

VO: Can you explain ‘inter-disciplinary’?
Me: Yes mam….for example, ASU has labs like the ‘Autonomous Agents and Intelligent Robotics Lab’ which try to bring to together multiple domains like software and electronics. I particularly have an interest in the field of Autonomous driving.

VO: When did you graduate?
Me: I graduated in 2016

VO: And you undergraduate major was?
Me: Computer Science only

VO: What are you doing currently?
Me: I’m a Software Developer

VO: Where do you work?
Me: I work at xx in Bangalore

VO: Who is sponsoring you?
Me: My parents are sponsoring me. Apart from that, I have my own savings and I also have a loan.

VO: What do your parents do?
Me: My father is into Agriculture and my mother is a school teacher.

VO: How much is the loan amount?
Me: 35 lakhs

VO: Is there any collateral?
Me: No

VO: Have you got the disbursement?
Me: No mam.

VO: When will you get it?
Me: Only after the VISA is approved.

VO: Can I see the sanction letter?
Me: Sure mam (passes her the document).

Somewhere in between, she also asked how will I repay the loan….to which I answered I’d come back to India and I’ll get a very good job (she interrupted in between).

VO: (After checking the letter for a while) I’m sorry I can’t approve your VISA (handed me the 214b slip)

I think I was rejected this time because I went with the mindset that I’ve to answer to the point only. As a result, I shared very less information with the VO. I had all the financial details with me but I didn’t even present (since I was not asked explicitly). Anyway…for the next time, I made sure I’ll present all the information anyhow. I also included my grandfather as a sponsor apart from my parents. I had way more savings and assets this time.

Visa Interview Experience 2

Date: 3rd July (10:00 am)
Consulate: New Delhi
(VO was a lady aged about 30 yrs. Short hair. Not the same as last time.)

Status: Reject

Me: Hi, Good Morning
VO: (Nodding) Pass me the passport and i20

Me: Passed the docs

VO: So, which course?
Me: I’m going for Masters in Computer Science at Arizona State University

VO: (Looking at the screen) I see you’ve completed 4 yrs of BTech.
Me: Yes mam, I’ve completed my BTech

VO: And you’ve been working for 2 years
Me: Yes mam

VO: How many universities did you apply to?
Me: I applied to 6 universities, UW Madison, USC, UMass Amherst, OSU, CU Boulder and ASU (Told full names)

VO: And how many admits?
Me: I have 1 admit…ASU

VO: Who is sponsoring you?
Me: My parents along with my grandfather are sponsoring me. We have around X lakhs of liquid savings, Y lakhs of semi-liquid savings and I also have a loan sanctioned for 35 lakhs from HDFC Credila.
VO: Wait…wait…tell me again
Me: Told the same things again…slowly

VO: What do your parents do?
Me: My father and my grandfather are into agriculture business. We have agricultural land of 6 acres. Their combined annual income is about XX lakhs. And my mother is a school teacher, she’s also been working for about 20 years. Her annual income is around Y lakhs. Total family income is around YY lakhs.

VO: (After typing) Are you the eldest in the family?
Me: I’m sorry…I didn’t get you

VO: Do you have any siblings?
Me: No mam…I’m the only child.

VO: (After a pause) I’m sorry we can’t approve your Visa this time also for the same reason. We’re not sure about your finances.

My family’s liquid + semi-liquid savings were alone more than 2 times the i20 amount. And I also had a loan of 35 lakhs. Family income was also good. I was not able to understand why I was rejected this time, that too for finances.

Visa Interview Experience 3

Date: 10th July (8:30 am)
Consulate: Mumbai
(VO was a guy aged around 30 something. Short hair with a french cut beard)
Status: Approved

VO: Good Morning
Me: Good Morning

VO: Why did you choose to come to Mumbai?
Me: Sir because my course is about to start soon and I wanted the earliest date. I started my application with Delhi only, then I got a date in Chennai and finally Mumbai.

VO: Who is sponsoring you?
Me: My parents and my grandfather are sponsoring me. We savings of XX lakhs and I also have an education loan of 35 lakhs.

VO: From where have you taken the loan?
ME: HDFC Credila

VO: What’s the interest rate?
Me: The interest rate is 11.6%

VO: How will the disbursement happen?
Me: Sir, the disbursement will happen as per the requirement. I may not use the complete amount.

VO: How did you like the weather here?
Me: It’s bad (I was trying to smile while I was half wet while giving the interview. It was raining heavily outside)

VO: It’ll be pretty hot in Arizona
Me: (smiling again) Since I’m from North India, I’m used to such temperatures.

VO: Why ASU?
Me: Explained (2-3 lines. Named one prof. also)

VO: Where else did you want to go?
Me: I have only one admit (smiling)

VO: But in case you had option, where would you want to go?
Me: University of Wisconsin Madison

VO: Oh....I’m also from Madison. We have some colleagues here from Arizona as well.
Me: (Nodding along)

VO: What are your plans after Masters?
Me: Told

VO: What did you have for breakfast?
Me: I had bread butter and some nuts.

VO: Nice. I’m glad you came to Mumbai sir. Your Visa is approved.
Me: (Almost about to jump there only) Thank you so much sir.

I forgot my umbrella kept underneath the counter. Came back after 2 minutes while some other person’s interview was going on. Sneakily took the umbrella and ran away.

The VO initially seemed like a rude a person but he was pretty chill as the interview progressed. While standing in the queue for the interview, I was getting butterflies again and I was constantly trying to make myself understand that just be normal, be confident. It'll all be fine.

Bonus Tip: I went with a beard the first two times (well groomed though). For the third father suggested me to go clean shaven ( the look matched with my photo on the passport). Don't know if this was the reason or not, but finally everything aligned together for good.