My F1 Visa USA Interview Experience

F1 Visa interview - 2nd attempt

Status: Approved


Date and time: 22 January 8.15 am

Interview Experience

VO: Tell me what u will be doing in USA?
Me: I will be studying masters in Information system form university of Maryland Baltimore County.

VO: Have you applied for any other University?
Me: Yes officer i have applied for state university of Washington.

VO: US have thousands of universities providing this course why these particular universities anything similar in these two universities?
Me: Though thousands of universities offer this course but there are very few universities which having syllabus and research opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and human centered computing.this matches my interest and current work profile.these are amongst those universities

VO: What is human centered computing??
Me: Its a combination of human machine interaction and information sciences.better understanding of human reactions and implementating it to machines.

VO: Okay tell me about your acedamic background?
Me: I completed my bachelor degree in Information technology from University of Mumbai in 2015.

VO: What you were doing from 2015?
Me : I am working as a application developer in reliance jio from SEP 2015.

VO: Have u given GRE or GMAT?
Me: No officer GRE and GMat was not mandatory for my course.

VO: Any other exam ?
Me: Yes IElTS.

VO: Why are you leaving your current job are you not enjoying working there?
Me: I enjoyed my job officer.this job motivates me to pursue my higher education it the same field of automation and artificial intelligence.I can learn advance concept of artificial intelligence and can implement my skillset once i join IT industry after my master's studies.

VO: Okay.who is sponsoring you?
Me: My father is sponsoring me.

VO: What does he do?
Me: Mentioned .

VO: What work he does there?
Me: Mentioned.

VO: Is it your first time you applied for visa?
Me: No officer my visa got debited last time

VO: Do you know the reason?
Me: No officer i m not aware about the reason

VO: Have you made any changes then?
Me: No sir there is nothing that i can change in my application.

VO: wait for some time i will be coming back
Me :Sure sir

After 6-7 minutes of waiting he came back to the window and started typing something

VO : Mam i m approving your visa. Best luck for your studies