My F1 Visa Experience this September for Spring 2021

Sharanya Banerjee

Admits from Arizona State University; Rochester Institute of Technology; University of Texas, Arlington. Going for Spring 2021 Btech in CS from SRM University

F1 USA VISA Experience

Consulate: Kolkata
Date:22nd September 2020
Term: Spring 2021

Status: Approved

Appointment time: 10:30 AM

I reached the venue at 9.15AM; the officials told me to wait outside till 10AM. Since this place is right behind my school, I went and hung out there for some time and came back at 9.50AM. They checked my temperature, sanitized, frisked me and let me inside at 10AM.

1. I was sent to a counter where they asked for my Appointment confirmation page, DS160 filing Confirmation page and current Passport. He put a barcode sticker on the rear side of my passport, stamped my DS160 Confirmation page and sent me to another counter.

2. Again they asked for my DS160 Confirmation page and current Passport. The person scanned the barcode on my passport and took my biometrics (4 fingers of left and right hand plus 2 thumb prints) and photograph. He then returned my passport and stamped confirmation sheet and said I was done for the day. This entire process took about 5-7 minutes tops and I was out of the building by 10.10AM.

Visa Interview Experience

Appointment time: 10.00AM

I reached the venue at 9.00AM. There were a lot of people waiting outside the consulate. Due to the pandemic, they are only allowing 6 applicants at a time, in contrast to the normal 47. Therefore, I had to wait till 10.00AM, for my turn.

1. My name was called out at the gate at 10.00AM, where they checked my passport, sanitized and let me into a security hold.
2. I was asked to empty my pockets into a tray and pass through a body scanner. The entire security checks hardly took a minute. After this, I was led into a waiting area where they asked us to wait with 6ft. gaps in between. I was 4th in the queue.
3. After 15 minutes or so, I was led to the interview area. There was only 1 VO there and I walked up to her. Here is the questioning that followed:

Me: Pleasantries…
VO: Pleasantries…

VO: (Pointing to my i20) So you are going for MS in CS at ASU, is that correct?
Me: Yes ma’am, that’s correct.

VO: What other courses did you apply to?
Me: Ma’am I applied to MS in Computer Science and MS in Computer Engineering, both with specialization in Data Science and Big Data Systems.

VO: That’s great. Did you receive admits from any other University?
Me: Yes ma’am, I received admits from ASU, UT Arlington and Rochester Institute of Technology where I was also offered a scholarship of $22K. Out of these, I decided to attend ASU.
VO: Why so?
Me: Ma’am, I want to attend ASU because it is the #1 university in Innovation in the country and I want to learn to innovate from the Best in the West. Along with that, ASU is providing me with the unique opportunity to do research in Big Data Systems, since it is a thesis course. I have already written and published a paper during my undergraduate studies and I want to carry that forward.

VO: Okay, and what are your plans after you graduate?
Me: Ma’am my father is currently working on a new venture in EduTech to enable schools in India take the leap into the digital sphere, esp. in the Post Covid era. After I graduate, I want to work with him on that and build upon the Education infrastructure in this country.

VO: Can you tell me a little more about your father? Where did he work before this?
Me: Ma’am after completing his engineering, he has worked in several MNCs like HP, Wipro, Genpact and L&T Infotech. He had worked for about 3 decades before starting his own venture.

VO: In what capacity did he work as? You said he worked in Wipro?
Me: That’s correct ma’am, he worked in Wipro. He held several positions there from Systems Engineer to AVP over 13 years. He was Vice President and Head of Operations (India), while at Genpact in his 10 years there.

VO: So, how much do your parents have in savings?
Me: Told her dad’s savings is XYZ and mom’s savings is XYZ. So total is XYZ amount. (I did not mention property or anything like that)

VO: And what does your mother do?
Me: Ma’am she works for the central government.

VO: Are you going to take a loan to fund your Masters?
Me: No ma’am, my parents will be funding my education while at ASU.

VO: So you mentioned about your father’s start-up? Could you tell me a little more about the product?
Me: Told her…little detail.

VO: And how long has your father been working on this?
Me: Ma’am for about 8 months.

VO: Have you made quarantine plans after your arrival in the US?
Me: Yes ma’am, I plan on arriving in the US on the 15th of December and I will quarantine myself for 14 days. That way I will still be on time for the opening day of the semester.

VO: Great! Your visa has been approved. Here is your i20 and I will retain your passport. You will get it back in 3-5 business days.
Me: Thank you, ma’am! Have a nice day.
VO: You too!

Collected my i20 and left. My passport was retained by the VO. I felt my interview was pretty exhaustive but it was collectively for like 5-7 minutes tops. Maybe it looks like a lot here but to my surprise, it ended pretty quickly. I entered and exited the embassy within 25 minutes tops.

Tips from Sharanya -

The trick is to be confident and sound convincing. Make sure to not make things up you don't have any idea about because if you are cross-questioned, you will be dead in the water. The questions are asked rapidly and therefore, there is no time to second guess. The best way to do it is to be completely honest. However, if you find yourself in a tricky situation, and are trying to explain something, make sure you maintain eye contact and be convincing in your attempts.

My Profile -

UG College -> SRM Institute of Science and Technology - Computer Science and Engineering(Btech)
CGPA -> 8.5 (89.14%)
Research papers/Publications -> 1
Admits -> Arizona State University, Tempe; Rochester Institute of Technology (w/ scholarship); University of Texas, Arlington.
GRE ->322/340
TOEFL -> 110/120

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