I had a J1 Visa from 2017, My F1 visa experience at Mumbai

Visa Interview at Mumbai

Consulate: Mumbai
Date: May

Email for Passport Submission: June 5

TLDR: 221-G because of robotics. Cleared in 25 days

Context: I'll be starting at UC Berkeley EECS for a PhD with focus on vision and robotics (already high alerts for TAL and hence 221G was expected). Apart from the usual PhD funding guarantee, I also had a 5-year fellowship so wasn't worrying about that.

I interned earlier in the US with my DS7002 explicitly mentioning robotics and while I didn't face 221G then, I did get the 212E (2-year ban). I also have an active B1/B2 visa and did not face any admin processing for that.

I made it a point to make my pitch not about robotics and some generic vision+sensing thing (not 100% honest, but as long as you can pull it off confidently: should be okay).

Was sent to one of the first few counters. VO seemed frustrated, or atleast short-tempered.

Interview Experience

VO: What program are you going for?
Me: told

VO: Why Berkeley EECS; where else did you apply (and the usual small talk)
Me: told

VO: So what are you going to do research on?
Me: (blabs about some generic computational imaging and vision stuff; no mention of robotics at all)

VO: How are you planning to fund your course?
Me: I have a fellowship from the university that promises funding for X years. Handed over the letter.

VO: reads This says funding is guaranteed conditioned on satisfactory academic standing. What is the expected GPA etc?
Me: (honestly, very unsure; fumbles a bit) There is no explicit requirement, but it should be over 3.4 or so. I don't think I'll have a problem maintaining that given my past academic record. Also the focus is on research and not coursework.

VO: Where is the funding period and amount mentioned?
Me: (hands over more documents from department) (tries to show where the amount is written when the VO flips out)

VO: Yes, I am reading it. Please be patient.
Me: I'm sorry, please go on.

few seconds pass

VO: So what kind of robotics research will you do?
Me: (gets uneasy because I did not mention anything; intimidated) I am primarily going to be working on cameras and imaging for my PhD. Not really interested in robotics at this point.

VO: Your J1 from 2017 says you did robotics. So what kind of robotics are you going to do?
Me: I tried some robotics in the past and every now and then but I am looking to pivot my research. At this point it, was a lost cause; she reaches out for a form

VO fills out the form and hands it over

Me: Thank you!

In hindsight, I should've quizzed her a little after the form was handed but I was expecting it so just took it unsurprisingly. It is also arguable whether or not one should be frank about a TAL field (mind you, I was not being dishonest; just generic) and it sounds best to be honest. Even if you get the admin processing (as long as you have 1-2 months before your start date) you should be good to do!

Honestly, a lot depends on your VO and their mood on the day so pray you get a nice chirpy person.! I've always had jollier people in the past who never let me get nervous and the experiences had been very candid.