Change in major from Commerce to IT, my F1 Visa experience.

F1 Visa Experience - Mumbai Consulate

Consulate: Mumbai
Date: 3rd May 2019
Status: Approved

Intake: Fall 2019 - University of Texas at Dallas, MS-ITM

Reached at 7:45 am
Waited outside in the queueIn time

2 points to note:

  1. I had a change in major Bachelor of Commerce to Masters in information technology management
  2. Applied only to one university

Only two counters for English language rest for other languages as majority of the applicants were there for their tourist visaCounter number 34. VO was a very chill guy in his mid 20s approved B1/B2 visa before me.

VO: Hello, how are you?
Me: Good Morning! I'm great sir, how are you?

VO: I'm good too pass me your passport please
Me: Passed

VO: i20
Me: Passed

VO: Is this your renewal?
Me: No sir it's my first time application

VO: Oh first time, OkayTyping...

VO: (laughed for 2 seconds)aah Okay So why this university? (as if why am I even asking this question but for formality sake I have to okay?)
Me: Since past 2.5 years I have been working (just an internship) in the internal audit department and this university is just one the only six schools in the US which is officially endorsed by the Institute of Internal Auditors as an internal audit center and out of those UTD has the best department and very few universities offer courses related to systems audit which is my area of specialization.

VO: (seemed pretty impressed) Did you have an f1 before?
Me: No sir I had a tourist visa before (expired) (I don't know why he was confused with my fresh F1 application)

VO: Oh nice! So what other admits?
Me: I just applied to this university. (he had a very shocking face 😵 but without losing my confidence I continued explaining further because ofcourse, I was prepared for this question) Although I shortlisted 4 universities but since this was my first choice I made an early application and received an admit in November itself so then I did not apply to other universities.

VO: So who is paying for your education?
Me: My parents are sponsoring my education. (Didn't mention about loan as he just asked who is paying)

VO: Okay (types something and drops my passport in the box. Tore a white slip, handed it over to me and finally those golden words)Congratulations! Visa is approved. It's a great university, enjoy your studies.
Me: Thaaaanku so much sir! Have a great day.

No questions on finances, parents occupation, future plans after ms or about my uncle staying in US(mentioned in ds160) Nothing!!! Did not ask any documents other than passport and i20.

Profile: GRE 305 v146 q159 awa 3.5
             IELTS 8 BCom
              CGPA 6.09/7
              Mumbai University

All the best everyone for your coming interviews!